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Working moms, you have to be intentional about rest!

There will ALWAYS be dishes that need to be washed, laundry that needs to be folded, furniture that needs dusting and toilets that need scrubbing. However, we know that all human beings need rest. Therefore it seems pretty obvious that in order to rest, something else will have to be put on hold.

I know, its easier said than done, especially if you're a working mom that has to fit all the chores in on the weekends. There will be no perfect time to sit down and rest until you realize that rest is as important as any other chore on your list.

There will be no perfect time to sit down and rest until you realize that rest is as important as any other chore on your list.

Here are a few things you need to do that will help you prioritize rest:

  • Lower your expectations.

Your house doesn't have to be the cleanest on the block. Even if someone was to drop by your house unexpectedly, they will more than likely not care if your house is not in perfect condition.

  • Organize your time into time blocks.

Organize your weekends into time blocks. Have a block of time for cleaning, a block for laundry etc AND a block for rest. When you are cleaning, set the timer for your time block and clean as fast as you can during that time and stop when the timer goes off. It's amazing how much you can do when racing against the clock.

  • Remember that you are your kids' role model

This might be the most important thing. Your kids are watching. Show them they should invest in their own physical, mental and emotional health. A large part of that is rest. You deserve all the same things that you think your kids deserve.

I have spent years investing in my career and it can be easy to get caught up in the rat race. There's nothing wrong with working hard but there has to be balance. You only get one life. Not only will rest allow you to be more productive afterwards, it will allow you to make unforgettable memories with your family.

At first rest may feel counter productive but it will become both enjoyable and productive. Just watch.

Rest will become enjoyable and productive, just watch.

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